Guidestones New York Times

September 18th, 2013 by

The Guidestones mystery got some press today in the New York Times!

The article discusses the prolific commandments scrolled on the massive monument and all of the unknowns surrounding its conception.STONES-1-articleLarge

The Guidestones New York Times article stated that “Only one man is said to know the identity of the benefactor who went by the name of R. C. Christian when he visited this East Georgia city in 1979 and paid for the display, supposedly on behalf of a group of others living outside Georgia.”

“I made an oath to that man, and I can’t break that,” said Wyatt Martin, 82, the retired banker who helped broker the arrangement for the monument, which is 19 feet tall and resembles Stonehenge. “No one will ever know.”

The article goes on to discuss the theories surrounding the Guidesstones’ existence, and the future of the monument.

“But nearly everyone here has a theory about the artifact, built during the cold war and said to be, at least in part, a guide for civilization’s future in the aftermath of a nuclear attack. Its edicts include a call to “unite humanity with a living new language” and a recommendation to keep the planet’s population below 500 million. (The Census Bureau estimates the world’s population is 7.1 billion.)”

but if one man here gets his way, that lasting debate could become a spigot of cash for a county of nearly 20,000 people, where unemployment approaches 12 percent and the median household income stands below $33,000.

“My long-term goal is to build some sort of festival around it, something that would be a weeklong thing that could be held in two or three different spots around Elberton that could really draw in crowds and help the local economy,” said Mart Clamp, a local businessman who helped his father engrave the Guidestones. “There’s a big push right now for the wholesomeness of how small towns operate. People are drawn to that.”

Clearly the mystery of the Stonehenge-like structure is still buzzing through the American psyche, and with its Georgian neighbours wanting to try and capitalize on its existence, it looks like the Guidestones will be around for a long while.

To read more of the Guidesontes New York Times article click here

Jay’s Vlog – Writing for Season Two of Guidestones

August 9th, 2013 by

(Transcript from Jay’s Vlog )

“Hey It’s Jay Ferguson down at the Guidestones studio. I just wanted to talk a little bit about what’s going on here right now. We are getting close to a final draft on the Season Two script and it’s actually been a pretty difficult process, probably more difficult than I was expecting, in many ways. What’s happening in terms of the scripts for Season Two? Really you’d have to go back to Season One and look and what happened there.

In Season One we built a story and an idea that was really about creating something specifically to go online. What we’ve learned is that while we’ve been extremely successful online with that process or with that model it’s been very hard to monetize it. Without being able to monetize the content, we can’t make it.

Interestingly enough the money and being able to finance the show is actually effecting how we’re writing the Second Season. It’s really important for anyone who is trying to write something in some kind of a pure-play, pure “out of your heart” process, which is what Season One was, to realize that it’s actually very difficult to do that in reality.

Season Two has to be a hybrid. We are still building something for the internet but we’re also building something that can be re-purposed. That’s what we’re discovering now. We have to re-purpose our content because you can’t monetize it online. We’re looking at building something that can be then transformed into a different format and then go onto TV or become a feature film. iThentic is doing that with a lot of other projects right now and we’re doing that with Guidestones as well. I think that that’s one of the biggest lessons we’ve learned.

The script itself is coming along nicely. I’m really excited about it and I’m very excited about having the opportunity to have longer episodes because we can really “dig in” and get really involved. There are multi story lines in the script as well so we’re not just following the two protagonists as we did in the first season. We have some new bad guys and there’s going to be some action and adventure. It’s all very exciting. But as I mentioned it’s a very different format.

Probably the hardest thing I’m finding,  and I think Jeremy (Diamond) my co-writer would agree with me, is that we have to be thinking from four different angles. We can’t just build an arc for a seven minute episode. We have to be building an arc for a half hour episode as well and having to build an arc for the overall story.

It takes time and it’s hard. As you can tell I’m unshaven and unkempt and looking basically terrible because… it’s a grind. We started working on the writing almost a year ago now. We are coming close to the end of it and frankly all I want to do right now is get into production. I want to start shooting some of this stuff.

We appreciate your patience. We will be having updates on a much more regular basis now. Thanks for watching and I can’t wait to talk with you more.”

Guidestones Wins Best Digital Program at International Emmys

April 10th, 2013 by

The International Academy of Television Arts & Science presents the international Emmy to Guidestones for the Best Digital Program – Fiction, today in Cannes, France. The International Emmys are a membership based organization comprised of leading media and entertainment figures from around the world. Emmy

“The creation of truly innovative storytelling is key to audiences embracing theGuidestones phenomenon and we are delighted with this extraordinary recognition from the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences,” commented Executive Producers Catherine Tait, Jonas Diamond and Jay Ferguson. “We look forward to pushing the interactive envelope further in Season 2 of the show.”

Written and directed by Jay Ferguson and produced by iThentic, Guidestonesfollows journalism students Sandy (Supinder Wraich) and Trevor (Dan Fox) as they plunge into a world of mystery. Inspired by true events, Sandy and Trevor uncover the clues that lead to the discovery of a global conspiracy surrounding the Georgia Guidestones, a real-life monument nestled in rural Georgia, inscribed with directions for rebuilding civilization after the apocalypse.

Blurring the line between reality and fiction. Guidestones is a fast-paced thriller featuring 50, three-minute visually stunning episodes, each episode encourages the audience to engage with the storyline through a variety of clues and hidden messages.

photo (24)Transforming the digital viewing experience Guidestones has received 14 nominations from internationally recognized organizations including five nominations at the International Academy of Web Television Awards at the Consumer Electronics Show and the triple crown of Canadian digital media awards which includes A Digi, A “Rockie” and a Canadian Screen Award. Most recently Guidestones was awarded Outstanding Producing at LA Webfest.

Season two of Guidestones has been confirmed and will begin production this summer. The series will shoot on location in France, US, UK and Ukraine.

Guidestones Wins Canadian Screen Award

February 28th, 2013 by

Canadian Screen AwardsGuidestones has won the Canadian Screen Award for Best Original Program or Series produced for Digital Media!

We can’t thank our friends, family, cast, crew, sponsors and peers enough for all their support. This literally could not have happened without you.

Thank you!
Canadian Screen Award - Best Original Program or Series

Join Us For Our Second GUIDESTONES Get-Together

February 12th, 2013 by

Guidestones Get-Together

Join us on Thursday, February 21st for our second GUIDESTONES Get-Together!

Cast and crew, including IAWTV Award nominee Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox, Christina Jol, and Jay Ferguson will be in attendance.

As before, there will be plenty of food, drink and conversation to go around, and our special guest will be Jonathan Robbins, the creator of CLUTCH!

Please RSVP here and invite your friends! If you are unable to attend, you can tune into the Livestream here.

Check Out Our New GUIDESTONES Fan Forum!

February 6th, 2013 by

Interact with the cast, crew, and other Guidestones fans at our new Fan Forum here.

What’s your favourite scene?
What’s your favourite line from the series?
Where should the story go next?

Join the conversation!
Guidestones Symbol

Talking Cinematography with Jay Ferguson

January 18th, 2013 by

In these Production Diary videos, learn how Jay Ferguson and Rob Barnett achieved the look of Guidestones.

Remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay up-to-date with our season two production videos!

Guidestones Season Two Production Diary!

December 11th, 2012 by

Get a glimpse behind-the-scenes in our new Production Diary series with writer-director Jay Ferguson and the Guidestones team!

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see the latest Production Diary entry as soon as it’s posted!

The First Guidestones Get-Together

November 27th, 2012 by

ON NOVEMBER 22nd, cast, crew, friends, family and fans gathered at Smiley Guy Studios for the first-ever Guidestones Get-Together to celebrate the success of Guidestones, and to thank those who have supported the series.

For the complete set of photos from the event, head over to Facebook and make sure to tag, like, and share!

Thanks again to everyone who came out, and to those that tuned into the Livestream! Also, a very special thank-you to Pizza Pizza!


November 13th, 2012 by

We are delighted to report that Guidestones has received 5 nominations at the IAWTV Awards! The nominations include: Best Directing (Jay Ferguson), Best Cinematography (Jay Ferguson, Robert Barnett), Best Female Performance (Supinder Wraich), Best Editing (Anthony Baird, Thomas Smalley), and Best Supplemental Content.

The IAWTV press release is here.

You can watch the full IAWTV Awards announcement below, presented by Shira Lazar and Ethan Newberry of What’s Trending.