February 12th, 2013 by bradsears@gmail.com

Join us on Thursday, February 21st for our second GUIDESTONES Get-Together!
Cast and crew, including IAWTV Award nominee Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox, Christina Jol, and Jay Ferguson will be in attendance.
As before, there will be plenty of food, drink and conversation to go around, and our special guest will be Jonathan Robbins, the creator of CLUTCH!
Please RSVP here and invite your friends! If you are unable to attend, you can tune into the Livestream here.
Tags: christina jol, clutch, dan fox, event, get-together, guidestones, jay ferguson, jonathan robbins, party, smiley guy studios, supinder wraich
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November 27th, 2012 by bradsears@gmail.com
ON NOVEMBER 22nd, cast, crew, friends, family and fans gathered at Smiley Guy Studios for the first-ever Guidestones Get-Together to celebrate the success of Guidestones, and to thank those who have supported the series.
For the complete set of photos from the event, head over to Facebook and make sure to tag, like, and share!
Thanks again to everyone who came out, and to those that tuned into the Livestream! Also, a very special thank-you to Pizza Pizza!

Tags: celebration, dan fox, get-together, guidestones, jay ferguson, party, supinder wraich, web series
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