Looking Back..

April 3rd, 2012 by bradsears@gmail.com


The journey to creating Guidestones goes back 6 years for me.

I was drinking coffee with my friend Patricio Davilla complaining about the difficulties of trying to get any film project distributed in this country (a favourite activity of all independent filmmakers in Canada: caffeine and complaining) and he said to me “Why don’t you produce content for the internet? You can bypass the broadcasters and go directly to your audience”.

Now you need to remember this was six years ago. YouTube was roughly one year old, online video was not particularly sophisticated, and computers were… well, let’s just say they were slow-ish, smartphones were not that smart, and neither was most of the content… football in the groin.

As an independent filmmaker I was much more sophisticated than Dayillia’s suggestion; so naturally I strongly rejected the idea.

A bit of time passed and still nobody was picking up my features, or anything else for that matter, and a thought kept lingering as rejection persisted; the idea of creating content and being my own distributor.

I wanted to take control of my own destiny.

So, without admitting it to anyone, I let the concept occupy a large portion of my brain and thought it over and over… and over… If the content was serialized with cliffhangers, maybe there could be something there.

My father used to tell me about going to the movie theater and watching the old serials; he loved them and he kept coming back. Everybody did.

But seriously, that was all handle bar mustaches and archetypes. Is that really what I wanted to do? Spend my time figuring out unique ways to tie maidens in distress to railway tracks?

This is not what makes an honorable career in the film industry. (Yes I know… oxymoron)

I started to dabble. I wrote a proposal, I raised a little capital, and I tried my hand at a couple of short form content experiments called TRUE FICTION and TEN TO GO. Suddenly three years later, my dabbling had turned into a full-fledged obsession to become an on-line content producer.

Of course I want this job because it pays no money and exacts no respect from anybody…

This is a volunteer proposition that nobody wants or needs, with long hours and a lot of people politely pretending to listen to you, who are impatient to get back to making some real money in the real world.

Well, for some reason I slogged on, going to various interactive conferences across the country, pushing my concept of serialized content, supported by TRUE FICTION and TEN TO GO (both great ideas, and I believe, very well executed and entertaining).

However, in the end these properties were really just short versions of television shows. I tried to raise money to make more… I tried for a couple of years with little success.

By now it’s summer 2008 and two things are happening:

First, people keep asking me what my plan is to monetize the content…to which my answers are; through “sponsorship”, and “t-shirt sales” and the content is going to be “so good people will pay for it!”, yadda yadda yadda.

Second, we are quickly heading into the fall of 2008…when a certain World Economic Collapse occurs… Here I am knocking on doors looking for money for a high risk venture. Well timing is everything, because as I was getting (politely) laughed out of board rooms across the country and then suddenly I happened across a single meeting that would end up changing the course of my career…and I do believe now, my life.

JDF – April 3, 2012

PHOTOS: Shooting the Guidestones Web Series in India

January 17th, 2012 by bradsears@gmail.com

Check out some more great photos from our wonderful shoot in India. The Guidestones web series takes place across three continents and the portion shot in India has some striking locations and compositions!

Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Dan Fox, Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Director Jay Ferguson, Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox, Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Dan Fox, Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox, Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich, Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Dan Fox, Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich, Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

PHOTOS: Production Stills, Guidestones Web Series in India

January 3rd, 2012 by bradsears@gmail.com

Here are some more of the great production photos of our shoot in India for the Guidestones web series. Photos include director Jay Ferguson, as well as lead actors Dan Fox and Supinder Wraich! Our series launches on February 3rd, 2012 – sign up to our e-mail newsletter to be the first to experience it!

Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox in India | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox in India | Guidestones Web Series

Director Jay Ferguson in India | Guidestones Web Series

Director Jay Ferguson, Actress Supinder Wraich in India | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich in India | Guidestones Web Series

Director Jay Ferguson in India | Guidestones Web Series

Director Jay Ferguson in India | Guidestones Web Series

Shooting in India | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich in India | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Dan Fox and Supinder Wraich in India | Guidestones Web Series

PHOTOS: Mysterious Setting – Shooting Guidestones in India, Production Stills

December 29th, 2011 by bradsears@gmail.com

Here are some incredibly dynamic photos of a mysterious setting from our shoot for Guidestones in India. How might this location play into our web series and its conspiracy narrative, involving the Georgia Guidestones and all the uncomfortable subjects surrounding it? Gear up for the series launching in February to find out!

Mysterious India Setting | Guidestones Web Series

Mysterious India Setting | Guidestones Web Series

Mysterious India Setting | Guidestones Web Series

PHOTOS: Shooting Guidestones in India, Production Stills

December 20th, 2011 by bradsears@gmail.com

Here are some production stills from our Guidestones web series shoot in India! Featured are our lead actors Dan Fox and Supinder Wraich! How does the story shift from Georgia, USA to India? Enter your e-mail into our mailing list at the top of the page to be the first to watch the series and find out!

Production Photo in India, Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

Production Photo in India, Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

Production Photo in India, Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

Production Photo in India, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox | Guidestones Web Series

Production Photo in India, Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

Production Photo in India, Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

Production Photo in India, Dan Fox | Guidestones Web Series

Production Photo in India, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox | Guidestones Web Series

PHOTOS: Georgia, Guidestones Production Stills

December 16th, 2011 by bradsears@gmail.com

Some more fun production stills from our shoots in Georgia and at the Guidestones for our web series! Photos taken by Rob Barnett.

Dan Fox, GA Guidestones | Guidestones Web Series

Dan Fox and Ace, the Toronto Blue Jays’ mascot.

GA Guidestones | Guidestones Web Series

Lead editor Thom Smalley.

Supinder Wraich, GA Guidestones | Guidestones Web Series

Actress Supinder Wraich.

Dan Fox, Supinder Wraich, GA Guidestones | Guidestones Web Series

Lead actors Dan Fox and Supinder Wraich.

R.C. Christian, GA Guidestones | Guidestones Web Series

New World Order, GA Guidestones | Guidestones Web Series

PHOTOS: Shooting Guidestones with a Green Screen, David Fox and Rosemary Dunsmore

December 12th, 2011 by bradsears@gmail.com

As a transmedia web series with a rather sophisticated post-production process, it is no wonder that green screens were involved in the production of Guidestones. Check out these production stills of making sure we got the perfect takes with legendary actors David Fox and Rosemary Dunsmore!

Actress Rosemary Dunsmore, Green Screen Shooting | Guidestones Web Series

Actress Rosemary Dunsmore, Green Screen Shooting | Guidestones Web Series

Actress Rosemary Dunsmore, Green Screen Shooting | Guidestones Web Series

Actor David Fox, Green Screen Shooting | Guidestones Web Series

Actor David Fox, Green Screen Shooting | Guidestones Web Series

Actor David Fox, Green Screen Shooting | Guidestones Web Series

Actor David Fox, Green Screen Shooting | Guidestones Web Series

Actor David Fox, Green Screen Shooting | Guidestones Web Series

PHOTOS: Production Stills, Shooting Guidestones Web Series in Toronto

December 8th, 2011 by bradsears@gmail.com

Here are some more interesting peeks into the Guidestones web series from our shoots in Toronto. These include actress Amber Goldfarb, who has been accepted into the Canadian Film Centre’s Actors Conservatory 2011-12, and scenes filmed in the beautiful Exchange Tower!

Guidestones Web Series

Amber Goldfarb, Jay Ferguson | Guidestones Web Series

Amber Goldfarb | Guidestones Web Series

Dan Fox, Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

Dan Fox, Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich, Jay Ferguson | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

PHOTOS: Shooting Guidestones at Ryerson University, Toronto

December 5th, 2011 by bradsears@gmail.com

Here are some production stills from our Guidestones web series shoot at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Featured are director Jay Ferguson and actors Dan Fox, Supinder Wraich and Hrant Alianak.

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Hrant Alianak at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich, Hrant Alianak at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

PHOTOS: In the Newsroom with Gord Martineau

December 1st, 2011 by bradsears@gmail.com

We were lucky to shoot part of our web series, Guidestones, in the newsroom with Canadian television news icon Gord Martineau. Here are some production stills of this great experience, including our director Jay Ferguson and two lead actors, Dan Fox and Supinder Wraich.

Gord Martineau, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, Jay Ferguson, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, Supinder Wraich, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, Dan Fox, Supinder Wraich, News Room | Guidestones Web Series