Guidestones Wins Canadian Screen Award

February 28th, 2013 by

Canadian Screen AwardsGuidestones has won the Canadian Screen Award for Best Original Program or Series produced for Digital Media!

We can’t thank our friends, family, cast, crew, sponsors and peers enough for all their support. This literally could not have happened without you.

Thank you!
Canadian Screen Award - Best Original Program or Series

Join Us For Our Second GUIDESTONES Get-Together

February 12th, 2013 by

Guidestones Get-Together

Join us on Thursday, February 21st for our second GUIDESTONES Get-Together!

Cast and crew, including IAWTV Award nominee Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox, Christina Jol, and Jay Ferguson will be in attendance.

As before, there will be plenty of food, drink and conversation to go around, and our special guest will be Jonathan Robbins, the creator of CLUTCH!

Please RSVP here and invite your friends! If you are unable to attend, you can tune into the Livestream here.

Check Out Our New GUIDESTONES Fan Forum!

February 6th, 2013 by

Interact with the cast, crew, and other Guidestones fans at our new Fan Forum here.

What’s your favourite scene?
What’s your favourite line from the series?
Where should the story go next?

Join the conversation!
Guidestones Symbol