Check Out Our New GUIDESTONES Fan Forum!

February 6th, 2013 by

Interact with the cast, crew, and other Guidestones fans at our new Fan Forum here.

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What’s your favourite line from the series?
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PHOTOS: Shooting Guidestones at Ryerson University, Toronto

December 5th, 2011 by

Here are some production stills from our Guidestones web series shoot at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Featured are director Jay Ferguson and actors Dan Fox, Supinder Wraich and Hrant Alianak.

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Hrant Alianak at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Supinder Wraich, Hrant Alianak at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series

Jay Ferguson, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox at Ryerson University Toronto, Production Stills | Guidestones Web Series