PHOTOS: In the Newsroom with Gord Martineau

December 1st, 2011 by

We were lucky to shoot part of our web series, Guidestones, in the newsroom with Canadian television news icon Gord Martineau. Here are some production stills of this great experience, including our director Jay Ferguson and two lead actors, Dan Fox and Supinder Wraich.

Gord Martineau, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, Jay Ferguson, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, Supinder Wraich, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

Gord Martineau, Dan Fox, Supinder Wraich, News Room | Guidestones Web Series

PHOTOS: Rosicrucians in Toronto

November 28th, 2011 by

Here are a few production stills taken while we shot the Guidestones web series in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They include a Rosicrucian church as well as a shoot inside the beautiful Metropolitan United Church.

Rosicrucian Church, Toronto | Guidestones Web Series

Rosicrucian Church, Toronto | Guidestones Web Series

Metropolitan United Church, Toronto | Guidestones Web Series

Metropolitan United Church, Toronto | Guidestones Web Series

Metropolitan United Church, Toronto | Guidestones Web Series

PHOTOS: Return of the Georgia Guidestones

November 21st, 2011 by

More production stills from our shoot at the Georgia Guidestones for the Guidestones web series. As always these photos come courtesy of Thom Smalley.

GA Guidestones, Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

Lead actress Supinder Wraich investigating one of the many translations of the Guidestones’ ‘commandments’.

GA Guidestones, Dan Fox, Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

Lead actors Dan Fox and Supinder Wraich in character as journalism students decoding the mystery of the Guidestones, aka the American Stonehenge.

GA Guidestones, Supinder Wraich, Dan Fox, Jay Ferguson | Guidestones Web Series

Filming the students’ filming.

GA Guidestones, Jay Ferguson, Dan Fox, Supinder Wraich | Guidestones Web Series

Director Jay Ferguson preparing the actors for the scene. Photo taken from a suspicious car keeping the shoot under surveillance…