January 17th, 2012 by bradsears@gmail.com
Check out some more great photos from our wonderful shoot in India. The Guidestones web series takes place across three continents and the portion shot in India has some striking locations and compositions!

Tags: "production stills", conspiracies, conspiracy, conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory, Da Vinci Code, davinci code, decoded, disasters, drama, ga, ga guidestones, georgia guidestones, guidestones, illuminati, images, india, interactive series, mystery, natural disasters, new media, new world order, photos, secret societies, thriller, transmedia, web series, webseries, x-files, xfiles
Posted in Image, Production | Comments Off on PHOTOS: Shooting the Guidestones Web Series in India
December 29th, 2011 by bradsears@gmail.com
Here are some incredibly dynamic photos of a mysterious setting from our shoot for Guidestones in India. How might this location play into our web series and its conspiracy narrative, involving the Georgia Guidestones and all the uncomfortable subjects surrounding it? Gear up for the series launching in February to find out!

Tags: "production stills", conspiracies, conspiracy, conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory, Da Vinci Code, davinci code, decoded, disasters, drama, ga, ga guidestones, georgia guidestones, guidestones, illuminati, images, india, interactive series, mystery, natural disasters, new media, new world order, photos, secret societies, thriller, transmedia, web series, webseries, x-files, xfiles
Posted in Image, Production | Comments Off on PHOTOS: Mysterious Setting – Shooting Guidestones in India, Production Stills
December 20th, 2011 by bradsears@gmail.com
Here are some production stills from our Guidestones web series shoot in India! Featured are our lead actors Dan Fox and Supinder Wraich! How does the story shift from Georgia, USA to India? Enter your e-mail into our mailing list at the top of the page to be the first to watch the series and find out!

Tags: "production stills", conspiracies, conspiracy, conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory, Da Vinci Code, davinci code, decoded, disasters, drama, ga, ga guidestones, georgia guidestones, guidestones, illuminati, images, india, interactive series, mystery, natural disasters, new media, new world order, production photos, secret societies, thriller, transmedia, web series, webseries, x-files, xfiles
Posted in Image, Production | Comments Off on PHOTOS: Shooting Guidestones in India, Production Stills